a bum from jersey

and he is not holding anything back.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

overcomitted said the bum

the bum is currently in hour 28 of 30 straight hours of work. as the bum has bragged about over the past several weeks, he got a second job and the adjustment has not been as smooth as the bum thought it would be. the bum might have gone too far in his greed to not being a bum anymore and failed to realized he overcomitted himself. now, the bum does feel he could work up to 56 hours without any rest but the second job the bum got involves manual labor...for 8 hours. the bum is fine w/ manual labor but he needs to rest for at least a few hours afterwards. while he won't have many marathon days this year like he did last night, he most likely would have 16 hour days w/ each job back to back. with the manual labor coming right before the paper pushing job, the bum isn't sure if he can handle it. still, he will give it another shot tomorrow before deciding by saturday whether to quit or not.

the bum is bummed out over this. the bum constantly overcommits himself but now chooses to punkout. rather disappointing the bum is right now. he did consider taking amphetamines but then he quickly remembered the reason why he stopped taking it in the first place.

there is another reason why the bum thinks he should quit now rather than later. the bum starts up classes again in approximately three weeks. if the bum is struggling for sleep now and feels lethargic literally all day, how are his chances of doing well in one of the most challenging course e has ever taken, and during a time when the course is accelerated no less? there is no way the bum is going to set himself up to to fail (meaning a B or lower) in this class. it just means too much to him.

ack, the bum is a quitter but this time he might be okay w/ it.

ps - went to new jersey city university today for a staff retreat. the bum must report that new jersey city university has some of the prettiest women he has ever seen. wow! looks and brains (they are in college)....i don't know if any other combination is sexier (not even money w/ anything is!)

*the bum actually wrote this yesterday (6:35pm 5/11/2005) but did not publish it till today? why - why waste a posting day by posting twice? the bum is lazy...what makes you think he would change now?


  • At 4:17 PM, May 12, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Bum should change his testicular blog's font.The content is semitesticular, no need to be changed.

  • At 4:44 PM, May 12, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    what does testicular mean?

  • At 1:06 AM, May 13, 2005, Blogger beakerkin said…

    Hey I thought only I get trolls or a grouping of them. In fact my trolls have been quiet as they have been drop kicked.

    I am doing an electronic bar segment and I will introduce you to the others.

  • At 6:30 AM, May 13, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    what are trolls?

  • At 9:54 PM, May 13, 2005, Blogger Best of Mobil's Jipzee Cab said…

    Trolls are surfing commentators like myself who put a name on our anonymity but are nonetheless anonymous just the same.
    What I can't figure out is why does "bum from jersey" need two jobs when isn't by definition the point of being a "bum" to not work..

  • At 9:55 PM, May 13, 2005, Blogger Best of Mobil's Jipzee Cab said…

    BTW I like your stuff!

  • At 2:49 PM, May 14, 2005, Blogger beakerkin said…


    Why don't you get a free blogger account.

    Trolls are people who do not contribute anything useful to a blog. I used to have an army of them but they do not like humiliation.

    People who disagree are not trolls.
    Trolls are known for their lack of content .

  • At 10:04 PM, May 14, 2005, Blogger bum said…

    nah. i am taking genetics.


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