a bum from jersey

and he is not holding anything back.

Thursday, March 10, 2005

i have nothing said the bum

yes literally, but the bum meant figuratively. the bum usually has something to bitch or constructively articulate about (usually its the former more than the latter) but today he has nothing. the bum isn't sure why either. maybe its the fact the bum found out he will be working the first shift all next week. usually the bum doesn't care because the same contempt he would have working the late shift he would have working any shift but the bum actually planned to do something constructive w/ his spring break and visit museums before he had to go in for work. which is no easy task as the bum would be commuting two - two and a half hours each way just to visit a particular museum. and yes, in order for the bum to do that and get back in time for work he really only would be visiting the museum for a couple of hours at most. but still, the bum would have enjoyed those hours. but that isn't going to happen now.

the bum would like to reiterate something from previous blogs: the bum doesn't like his job. can't be said enough believes the bum.

looks like the bum found something to bitch about after all.

oh that bum, always finding new ways to impress me.


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