a bum from jersey

and he is not holding anything back.

Friday, May 20, 2005

drugs make people better and sick all at the same time said the bum

the bum was watching the idiot box last night and realized something while watching a prescription drug commercial. who wants to take perscription drugs? the bum understands how they can alleviate pain and such but what about those side effects? diarrehea, possible liver damage, and a lot of other warm and fuzzy ailments you could be in danger of getting because you don't feel like carrying around an inhaler or you are a cheap whore and can't close your legs/keep your pants zipped up and now are battling herpes. thats what the bum is talking about when he says drugs will make you better and sick all at the same time. you are 'curing' one ailment only to open yourself up to others.

here is the message the bum feels you should walk away with from drug commercials. the message is not that there are drugs out there that can help you alleviate your pain but rather there are drugs out there with nasty side effects so play it smart and try to avoid getting into a situation where you will need to use one of these drugs in the first place.


  • At 11:02 PM, May 20, 2005, Blogger beakerkin said…

    The truth is these drugs can do as much damage as good . FYI when you start getting to drug combinations
    over five the ineractions are unknown in many cases.


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