a bum from jersey

and he is not holding anything back.

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

what equality asked the bum?

the bum's friend Din wrote a semi-interesting piece comparing societal equality of today and that of thirty years ago and it gave the bum an interesting entry idea. he wonders where Din got the idea that men and women should be or even want to be equal. don't misunderstand the bum, the bum would like to see equality between the sexes but the bum would also like to have a million dollars in his bank account but guess what - neither is likely to happen anytime soon.

women and men weren't meant to be equal. if they were meant to be equal, God would have made both sexes alike. both sexes share many similarities but they also have many important differences. for instance, their build. men are physically bigger and stronger then women so should men and women be considered equally qualified for physically intensive activities? no offense ladies, but if the bum's cardboard box is burning down and he needed to be rescued, 9 times out of 10, the bum would like a male firefighter to save his life. actually, the bum just wants anyone who could do the job to save his life, man or woman, but 9 times out of 10, it’s going to be a man who will be able to drag the bum out of a fire. its not just our builds are different but our chemistry as well. the bum has noticed that women during certain periods of a twenty eight day cycle are 'moody.' you don't find that with men in general. men do get 'moody' but not on an unavoidable regular basis. and it’s not just our body differences that argue that we aren't equals its society as well.

society does not want men and women to be treated equal and the bum says to look no further than the interaction men and women have on a daily basis. much of the interaction men and women have is based on a code of conduct laid out for centuries, you know - chivalry. the bum doesn't understand why he has to treat a woman as an equal in the workplace but when he takes her out to dinner he is suppose to pay, be the initiator of...well pretty much everything, and be 'gentlemanly.' that last point is not just on dates. the bum has to be gentlemanly everywhere. the bum has to open the door for a woman or if he and a woman reach a place at the same time he has to let her go first. notice the bum is saying he 'has to' because if he doesn't it’s considered rude. what the fuck is that?! in one situation the bum has to treat a woman as an equal but in another situation he shouldn't? that makes no sense to the bum. if women want to be equals they have to be prepared to be equals in all aspects of society; they cannot just pick and choose when it’s okay to be treated as an equal and when it’s okay not to be.

call the bum a sexist neanderthal if you want, but the bum is right. equality is not a subjective term and by its definition we aren't all equal. when it comes to the sexes it’s not because we aren't driving towards equality, it’s because we weren't meant to be equal and because the two sexes just don't want to be treated as equals.


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