a bum from jersey

and he is not holding anything back.

Sunday, March 13, 2005

something is wrong with you said the bum

the latest argument the bum was in concerned whether fat people should date. the bum is not fat (the bum is technically superobese (oh yes, that's a medical term)) and the bum doesn't believe he should date. the bum's friend asked, 'why not?' the bum's friend then followed that up w/ a comment that some women find big people attractive or don't care about size. the bum promptly responded, 'the bum has no interest in dating the crazy and/or mentally ill.'

the bum believes you must be mentally ill if you find big people attactive. the bum isn't talking about people who are 10 ~30 pounds overweight (according to federal guidelines) because to the normal person, that really isn't noticeable but the bum is talking about huge people. roseanne huge; louis anderson huge; elephant huge. how could anyone find a heart attack victim waiting to happen attractive?

the bum isn't picking on just the obese because smokers aren't attractive, or alcoholics, and the bum believes obese people belong in the same category as those kind of addics. . i mean, how could you want someone who doesn't even respect themselves? because if you think about it, to allow yourself to be grossly obese you must not have respect for yourself so why should others either? 2/3 of the u.s. is obese but thats no excuse to find any one of these fatties attractive or dating material.

ewww says the bum. ewwwwww.


  • At 10:15 PM, March 13, 2005, Blogger bum said…

    lol. that is so rare...it really is. besides, it doesn't change the fact that fat is not an attractive quality. if you have a high metabolism - more power to you but for those who don't and are 'hippo like' they shouldn't be telling themselves its okay for them to keep shoving food into their mouthes and get up off of the couch and start running a few laps. yeah, i am talking to you fatty!

  • At 1:46 AM, March 14, 2005, Blogger bum said…

    the bum has other priorities at the moment. the biggest probably being that he is a bum. so the bum is working on that 'condition' first. he will let you know whe he begins to work on other 'conditions' he has.

  • At 12:41 PM, March 14, 2005, Blogger bum said…

    you are going down a road the bum doesn't like. the bum would like to say he likes himself but certainly acknowledges there is plenty of room for improvement. yes, the bum acknowledges he doesn't respect himself (after all he is a fat bum by his own doing (i.e he wasn't mentally ill, and discharged from a hospital too early)) but wants it noted that he does believe one day he can respect himself.

  • At 12:49 PM, March 14, 2005, Blogger bum said…

    and the bum would further like to say you can like something but not neccasarily respect it. take for instance, the bum likes kobe bryant but certainly doesn't respect that adultering douchebag. another example is bill clinton. bill clinton seems like a good guy but the bum doesn't respect him either.


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