a bum from jersey

and he is not holding anything back.

Monday, March 21, 2005

What to do asked the bum

the summer is approaching quickly and the bum isn't exactly sure what to do. the bum has narrowed it down to dedicating his summer to one of two things. the first is to take summer classes. the bum enjoys school and is always excited about taking more courses (and of course it will put him one step closer to realizing his dream of attaining his GED). the second option is picking up a second job and looking for a new job. the bum has made no secret that he cannot stand his job and instead of bitching about it on a daily basis the bum thinks maybe he should look for a new job. it seems like a simple decision but really its not.

while going to school would bring joy to the bum it is quite expensive (at least for the bum). the bum doesn't like his job but appreaciates the perks of the job: a regular paycheck and benefits...full benefits. it might be a bad financial decision (much like the bum's plan of paying his taxes by winning a ncaa money pool - doh!). then again, after the bum gets his GED he did plan on quitting anyway but that is still at least two years away.

the bum has much thinking to do this week.


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