a bum from jersey

and he is not holding anything back.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

easy come and easy go said the bum

As you can see, I recently started posting again. I also updated the links on my blog to blogs that I visit regularly. One of those links was to "Tart Juice." I have now removed the link to that blog.

To be honest, I had only begun to visit this blogger's site regularly. Her blog was a link from "The Disgruntled Chemist"'s Blog, and I thought it was interesting at the time but in a very short time I have gotten tired of it. I am no expert but I think there are certain rules you have to follow when you blog or basically write anything. One of those rules is if you are going to respond to what someone else said, you have to make people aware of what you are actually responding too. I see many of her posts are responses to something that happened and while its great that she has opinion, some of the things she responds to are not common knowledge so the reader can become a bit lost to what she is referring to. For an adult to do this, is aggrivating to me. I like how people have opinions and want to share it but if you don't provide a proper context for what you are responding to, you come across as rambling.

You are a rambler tart. Not cool.

Edit: I almost became what I just preached about. Here is an example of what I can't stand. To most people this would appear to be a quality opinion and it inded might be but her opinion is based on a piece that she and maybe a couple of other people have read (I am not inlcuded). If I or other readers have no idea what she is reacting to (no matter what you can conjecture based on her piece), how can you properly assess if you agree with what she is saying or not? You can agree with some of the points but if you do not know exactly what those points are referring to, how can you truly say you agree? There just isn't enough information there folks.


  • At 3:24 AM, April 13, 2006, Blogger James said…

    Welcome back. I get what you're saying about that post by tart. She does look kind of hot, though.

  • At 5:25 PM, April 13, 2006, Blogger bum said…

    Yeah, she is sweet on the eyes but her blogging style still angers me so I don't think I will ever visit her site again (unless you or the other people reference her in a post).

    Random thought: If I was a few years younger and still in high school, I probably would have excused it because she is decent looking. Now, that just isn't enough. Scary how we mature, eh?


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