a bum from jersey

and he is not holding anything back.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

do not look at me said the bum

Have you ever been stuck in rush hour? If you work for a living and live in New Jersey or New York you probably have. Its an annoyance you must live with (unless you are rich or a police officer) but there are certain things you should not have to put up with. At the top of the list is dealing with folks who talk on their cell phone yet think they should be in the left most lane at the same time. Sorry jackass, talking on your cell phone does not excuse you from moving with the flow of traffic. What is also at the top of the list, at least for me, is keeping your eyes foward.

I am not talking about just watching the road but some people feel the need to look in their rearview or side mirror and check you out. What the fuck is up with that? I can understand checking the rearview mirror for a moment and accidentally making eye contact with the person behind you but if you are doing it longer than...oh lets say three seconds, something is wrong with you. No offense to any homosexuals out there but its even more annoying when someone of the same sex does it. Its bad enough I have to see you watching me like some kind of lurker but what compounds it, is that there is no benefit can come from it. I mean at least if its a person of the opposite sex there is a chance for some mild flirtation but otherwise, what joy can I get out of someone staring back at me?

Listen. Stop looking at me. I get it, you are in front of me and stuck in traffic but that does not give you an excuse to make eye contact with me. Keep your eyes straight and if you need to look at your rearview mirror or your side mirror, remember what their purpose is. Here is a hint: its not to look at me.


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