a bum from jersey

and he is not holding anything back.

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

what equality asked the bum?

the bum's friend Din wrote a semi-interesting piece comparing societal equality of today and that of thirty years ago and it gave the bum an interesting entry idea. he wonders where Din got the idea that men and women should be or even want to be equal. don't misunderstand the bum, the bum would like to see equality between the sexes but the bum would also like to have a million dollars in his bank account but guess what - neither is likely to happen anytime soon.

women and men weren't meant to be equal. if they were meant to be equal, God would have made both sexes alike. both sexes share many similarities but they also have many important differences. for instance, their build. men are physically bigger and stronger then women so should men and women be considered equally qualified for physically intensive activities? no offense ladies, but if the bum's cardboard box is burning down and he needed to be rescued, 9 times out of 10, the bum would like a male firefighter to save his life. actually, the bum just wants anyone who could do the job to save his life, man or woman, but 9 times out of 10, it’s going to be a man who will be able to drag the bum out of a fire. its not just our builds are different but our chemistry as well. the bum has noticed that women during certain periods of a twenty eight day cycle are 'moody.' you don't find that with men in general. men do get 'moody' but not on an unavoidable regular basis. and it’s not just our body differences that argue that we aren't equals its society as well.

society does not want men and women to be treated equal and the bum says to look no further than the interaction men and women have on a daily basis. much of the interaction men and women have is based on a code of conduct laid out for centuries, you know - chivalry. the bum doesn't understand why he has to treat a woman as an equal in the workplace but when he takes her out to dinner he is suppose to pay, be the initiator of...well pretty much everything, and be 'gentlemanly.' that last point is not just on dates. the bum has to be gentlemanly everywhere. the bum has to open the door for a woman or if he and a woman reach a place at the same time he has to let her go first. notice the bum is saying he 'has to' because if he doesn't it’s considered rude. what the fuck is that?! in one situation the bum has to treat a woman as an equal but in another situation he shouldn't? that makes no sense to the bum. if women want to be equals they have to be prepared to be equals in all aspects of society; they cannot just pick and choose when it’s okay to be treated as an equal and when it’s okay not to be.

call the bum a sexist neanderthal if you want, but the bum is right. equality is not a subjective term and by its definition we aren't all equal. when it comes to the sexes it’s not because we aren't driving towards equality, it’s because we weren't meant to be equal and because the two sexes just don't want to be treated as equals.

Friday, May 27, 2005

you lazy bum said the bum

the bum has been at his current job for a while now and the bum has noticed something he hasn't noticed at any other job he has had in the past. the bum has been working without interruption for almost ten years now (meaning he has held a job pretty much everyday for almost ten years) but he hasn't realized his latest observation until now. that observation being people at work do not work as hard as they should. the bum is not talking about a five minute break here and there, the bum is talking about in an eight hour day people do actual work for maybe three hours. a good employee probably only works for five hours. the bum is blown by this. yes, the bum is on record stating how much he dislikes his current job but thinking back about the other places he has worked at, here is no different from those other places.

as suprising as this is to the bum he isn't totally suprised. at some point during his education, he learned about how americans do not work as hard as other people in other countries around the world but the excuse given was not because americans are lazy but rather they are overworked. the bum doesn't know if americans are overworked but the bum sees a lot of laziness. people chat too much and are easily distracted. it maybe because the bum started working at a young age or the bum's parents instilled in him a strong work ethic but the bum is dissapointed in the work ethic of people. work sucks people, but as long as you are getting a wage you should be...well...working. the bum doesn't have a problem with talking or doing x,y, or z, but if you can't multitask (and one of those tasks being actual work) then maybe you shouldn't be talking or doing x,y, or z.

the bum once was an advocate of increasing vacation time but he isn't so much anymore. why increase vacation time when people are already taking a vacation at work?

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

the bookmarking continues said the bum

the beak speaks:

Is this the Hill you wish to Die on

Monday, May 23, 2005

wow said the bum

you probably didn't hear about this over the weekend but george galloway ripped the senate subcommittee investigating the oil for food scandal a new one. the bum hasn't finished listening to what he had to say but the bum admires galloway's gusto. only if others had the courage to do what he did on a daily basis, the bum believes we would have a more open and honest government. check out what he had to say:


rtsp://video.c-span.org/archive/iraq/iraq_051705_galloway.rm <---- play in realplayer directly

said the bum

the bum is going to use his blog in a different way for a while. the bum is suprised that it is the summer and yet he seems to have as little time as he had during the year. whats strange about that is the bum is only taking one class and has the same workload schedule yet has no time to do bumworthy things. anyway, the bum is going to use his blog to keep track of where he stopped on some of his favorite blogs. bum doesn't care what you think about it but you shouldn't be suprised by that either.

the beak speaks:
More Proof That Left Wing Jooos do not practice the religion
who cares
the disgruntled chemist:
who cares
ted row drive:
check it out

Friday, May 20, 2005

drugs make people better and sick all at the same time said the bum

the bum was watching the idiot box last night and realized something while watching a prescription drug commercial. who wants to take perscription drugs? the bum understands how they can alleviate pain and such but what about those side effects? diarrehea, possible liver damage, and a lot of other warm and fuzzy ailments you could be in danger of getting because you don't feel like carrying around an inhaler or you are a cheap whore and can't close your legs/keep your pants zipped up and now are battling herpes. thats what the bum is talking about when he says drugs will make you better and sick all at the same time. you are 'curing' one ailment only to open yourself up to others.

here is the message the bum feels you should walk away with from drug commercials. the message is not that there are drugs out there that can help you alleviate your pain but rather there are drugs out there with nasty side effects so play it smart and try to avoid getting into a situation where you will need to use one of these drugs in the first place.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

a new pool idea said the bum

today's new york times has a story about the air force pushing for funding for a new weapon defense program....from space. awesome. we continue to find new ways to destroy ourselves and at the same time find a new way to piss off the rest of the world (how many countries are going to be comfortable with a weapon from space pointing down on them). the bum is not a hippy so he won't bother arguing for world peace but he would like to argue for a new pool idea. you know, one of those death pools.

what year would you guess we destroy ourselves and how? its a real doozy of a question because there are so many possibilities: bioterrorism, nuclear disaster, war to end all war, natural disasters, and oh so many more! personally, the bum believes God will be destroying this world when he is good and ready. in Revelations he said it would be by fire, so the bum is guessing its not going to be pretty. the bum wonders though...since we find new ways to destroy ourselves everyday, will God personally carry out our destruction or just let us do it ourselves? something to think about.

Monday, May 16, 2005

what is there to say asked the bum

the bum tries to comment on every post that he reads from blogs that he reads on a daily basis (the only three he reads are listed to the right) but the bum can't muster the energy to comment. more often than not its because he either agrees (minus mr. speckles blog but the bum has come to the conclusion that blog's ultimate purpose is to antagonize the bum) or the issue is way too heavy to make a comment on. in the former case, whats the point of commenting and saying that you agree? what the bum means is where does the dialogue go from there? when one is antagonistic at least a lively debate might happen. in the latter situation, the bum can't comment on a heavy issue. why - because the bum wouldn't feel right not commenting on it completely, which takes time, which the bum doesn't have. so to those bloggers that the bum reads daily, he would like to say, great work and keep on trucking even if the bum doesn't comment (because as we all know, when the bum adds his spin to your blog, it makes it so much better...at least thats what the bum chooses to believe). maybe the bum should share this w/ these bloggers but the bum is lazy and to do so wouldn't be in the spirit of being a bum.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

overcomitted said the bum

the bum is currently in hour 28 of 30 straight hours of work. as the bum has bragged about over the past several weeks, he got a second job and the adjustment has not been as smooth as the bum thought it would be. the bum might have gone too far in his greed to not being a bum anymore and failed to realized he overcomitted himself. now, the bum does feel he could work up to 56 hours without any rest but the second job the bum got involves manual labor...for 8 hours. the bum is fine w/ manual labor but he needs to rest for at least a few hours afterwards. while he won't have many marathon days this year like he did last night, he most likely would have 16 hour days w/ each job back to back. with the manual labor coming right before the paper pushing job, the bum isn't sure if he can handle it. still, he will give it another shot tomorrow before deciding by saturday whether to quit or not.

the bum is bummed out over this. the bum constantly overcommits himself but now chooses to punkout. rather disappointing the bum is right now. he did consider taking amphetamines but then he quickly remembered the reason why he stopped taking it in the first place.

there is another reason why the bum thinks he should quit now rather than later. the bum starts up classes again in approximately three weeks. if the bum is struggling for sleep now and feels lethargic literally all day, how are his chances of doing well in one of the most challenging course e has ever taken, and during a time when the course is accelerated no less? there is no way the bum is going to set himself up to to fail (meaning a B or lower) in this class. it just means too much to him.

ack, the bum is a quitter but this time he might be okay w/ it.

ps - went to new jersey city university today for a staff retreat. the bum must report that new jersey city university has some of the prettiest women he has ever seen. wow! looks and brains (they are in college)....i don't know if any other combination is sexier (not even money w/ anything is!)

*the bum actually wrote this yesterday (6:35pm 5/11/2005) but did not publish it till today? why - why waste a posting day by posting twice? the bum is lazy...what makes you think he would change now?

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

the bum is not a rino said the bum

the bum wants to make it clear that he is not a rino because he isn't a republican. thats right the bum is not a republican...at least not anymore. the bum turned in his card approximately a year before the 2004 election. there was no pride in being a republican anymore. back in the 90's when the bum decided to become a republican, the bum believed the party had a backbone as they were not as dominate as they were now and that was all that was holding them together. now, their party politics seems as pathetic, and an argument can be made for more pathetic, than those of the democrats. the bum feels ashamed he ever decided to join a political party.

its obvious the bum is not a democrat but he wants to make it clear that he isn't an independent either. why? because somehow the term independent has a party affiliation - the independent party. not cool said the bum. so the bum is officially (and you can check his 2004 voter registration card) unaffiliated. the bum makes his own decisions without having to listen to the non-stop rhetoric of any political faction.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

good going detroit said the bum

the disgruntled chemist wrote about an interesting topic today. apparently, detroit "rock city" wants to tax fast food and the bum thinks its a great idea. the chemist really didn't say if he was for it or against it but he did cite that he wonders if this unfairly targets those of lower incomes. the bum, as one of those people who has a low income, says, good for detroit! if you are reading this blog you probably are aware of the death trap fast food restaurants are. the food is atery clogging and often the conditions there are unsanitary. eating at such establishments over a prolonged period of time is more likely to take years off of your life than to add them. the bum is aware they offer 'healthier' alternatives but how can one trust an establishment that promotes obesity to serve healthy food. yeah, the bum see the food but wonders why its there.

to address the chemist's concern about it targeting poor people, he is right, but the bum still says so what. the bum was once a fool who thought price had to come before quality of food but as the bum has grown older and wider he has realized, one can get a healthier meal w/o an additional 1500 calories (at one sitting!). the bum suggests you visit a bodega and get a few portable fruits and vegetables. trust the bum, a couple of fruits or bowls of vegetables may not seem like a lot but they will fill you up. yeah, you still need protein but their are ways to compensate for that. visit a supermarket deli and buy cold cuts. the bum is assuming one of the advantages of a fast food restaurant is that one can eat food on the go. the bum believes you can make your own sandwich and eat it on the go too! don't believe the bum? try it first and then report back...the bum believes in you!

anyway, the bum understands the economic effect such a tax could have but the bum believes the health benefits far outweigh the economic ones. don't attack this initiative based on what you see on the surface because if you examine it some more, there are quite a few benefits that one can attain from it too.

Monday, May 09, 2005

not a fuckin republican blabbered the bum

I am:
"You're probably one of those chicken-littles who thinks maybe we should worry a little bit, occasionally, about the fate of the planet that our lives all depend on."

Are You A Republican?

Saturday, May 07, 2005

the bum is back

the bum has returned from his hiatus. finals are done and now he waits for his grades. on another front the bum starts his second job on tuesday night/wedensday morning. while the bum is looking forward to it he has run into a bit of a scheduling snafu. he will be working for 24 straight hours (minus one hour which will be used to travel between jobs). oh well, if that's what it means to not be a bum, the bum has to do what has got to do.

peace in the middle east.